Browsing 'Melomaniac'
Why Taylor Swift is a Good Role Model
Well, here is the debate. Why I see Taylor Swift as a role model for all the young girls around […]
The Joomi Experience- A Wordless Ecstasy
One thing this new age of technology has done to us simpler beings, is made us reach a new high […]
Song for Zula
Achingly beautiful, its sound surpasses the heavens, yes, it is that big. It seeps into your soul, into your very […]
Importance of Music – Beauty of Sound
Music is believed to be an ‘art’ in itself. It is defined as “the art or science of combining vocal […]
Parvan the Band
‘Parvan’ a Karachi based band, shaped when 5 talented musicians met and started their musical journey together; the understanding among […]
Reaching Out to the World
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. –Aldous Huxley Are you looking for solace? A way […]
Enrich your music experience with reviews on Top charts, Coke Studio, MTV, and anything that can be classified into a music genre for a melomaniac.