With the Stroke of a Pen

May 8, 2015 by     1 Comment     Posted under: Expressions, Non-Fiction

In this age of combat, violence and retaliation, the all-knowing, all-powerful earthly beings have mastered the art of conquest. These ‘conquests’ vary from inventions of towering missiles to monstrous tanks. Under the excuse of making this world a better place, they are getting stronger with the blink of an eye. However, something tells us that this is not the case. The world slams into reality with every bullet that ends a life. With the explosion of every bomb, the truth comes bursting back and whispers to us to wake up. But we wait. We wait for the world to become better. The all-knowing, all-powerful earthly beings continue to conquer the world, for in their small world, life doesn’t matter. The good, the evil, the love, the hate, none of it matters.

Such conquests have not resulted in a better world. It was the pen that inspired many revolutions and made the world better. The French Revolution is one example of a revolution that was inspired by the writings of famous French writers. The movement for the creation of Pakistan took off from the writings of Allama Iqbal. It was his pen that initiated a historic revolution and gave us Pakistan.

In this time and age, governments of most countries are practicing the power of force. Nuclear power, bombs, and ammunition seem to be the only means one country can become superior to another. The so-called ‘war against terrorism’ itself involves eradicating terrorism through violence. But no government of today has the ability to stand against powerful words, for they can expose governments and their conspiracies. Communication can not only create awareness among people, but also force rulers to overrule certain decisions through the collective effort of common individuals. Hence, a pen makes a common man powerful.

With the stroke of a pen, we open up our hearts and minds to the world. Words have the power to advocate peace and harmony through ideas and thoughts. Missiles and tanks can only aid expensive conquests by force, but a pen can be used by anyone and can still create a deeper impact, for there are no boundaries to imagination, no limitations and no restrictions. So let us rise, write and become powerful. With the stroke of a pen.

The Author

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1 Comment + Add Comment

  • a well written article
    I ll just add this that we have always heard that pen is mightier than a sword. that says it all

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