10 reasons why NUST is the best University in Pakistan

Oct 21, 2014 by     2 Comments    Posted under: Expressions, Opinions

Ten reasons why NUST is the best University in Pakistan:

  1. NUST’s comprehensive and difficult entry test makes sure that only the most intellectually capable students get the admission. That’s why you will see NUSTians so active on social media all the time. They don’t need to study anything or for that matter do anything else except using Facebook and make NUST proud.
  2. NUST is most up to date with the current world. On social sites that is. Be it tips or crushes or confessions or vines or lip dubs, NUST will have a page for it before anyone else in Pakistan.
  3. Faculty plays a huge role in higher education. If faculty is not at par with the students then the circle of knowledge doesn’t get formed. That is why NUST’s faculty is as intellectually sound as their students. They too have spent all their life doing anything except studying and end up having degrees from prestigious universities. They can teach anything and everything but course material. That is for losers to learn or teach.
  4. Higher education is obviously not just about education. You should teach 20 year olds the basic ethics and values of life too. Also what use is being one of the best universities when you don’t have something special to offer? NUST makes its students realize that they haven’t learned anything all their life and their moral and personal lives need a complete reformation.
  5. Part of personality grooming is helping kids (20-year-old kids) help chose what to wear to University. NUST does this in a very enlightened and positive manner across all campuses without any gender or racial discrimination. Results are however hilarious/ disastrous.
  6. NUST is the top university of Pakistan. Army is the top institution of Pakistan. How is it possible that these two excellently organized institutions don’t join hands for a better future?
  7. Everything in life is more enjoyable if you are healthy. NUST therefore has better medical care centres in campuses than class rooms and focuses more on medical fitness of its students than academic results.
  8. As always I run short of lameness and can’t really list ten reasons. But NUST is the best university. I tell you.

The Author

Fahaad Humayun is a football fanatic. He loves writing, playing football and following each and every sport. A die hard Man Utd fan, his aim is to bury Man City in world's finest riches of Poopy where they belong. Enjoy reading :p You can follow him on twitter @ fahaadhumayun

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2 Comments + Add Comment

  • This is the worst article I’ve ever read.

  • The author is being way too sarcastic!

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