SOP Youth Activation Summit – December 2011

Jan 6, 2012 by     3 Comments    Posted under: Cover Story

An Event Review Post By Farwah Rizvi

The ball room at the Sheraton Hotel, with the song, ‘Stand up for the champions’ playing in the background succeeded to instill a patriotic vibe amongst the attendees of the Youth Activation Summit. The summit was convened to celebrate the achievements of the athletes who are a part of the Special Olympics Pakistan, and to promote awareness amongst the participants regarding the special children, on the 17th of December 2011. It also served to recruit volunteers for the purpose.

The event was attended by special athletes, students from different prestigious institutions, and some eminent personalities.  Adil Visram, a part of the Athlete Leadership Program, who was also honored by being selected as a Global Messenger by Special Olympics International, and Maham Sultan kicked off the proceedings. The reputed personalities who bestowed the event with their gracious presence included, Khalid Butt (Radio Fm 89), Sajid Hasan (TV Actor), Madiha Iftekhar (TV Actress), and Humaima Malik (Actress/Model). The driving force behind the Special Olympics Pakistan, Saeed Ahmed, Naseem Ahmed and Ronak Lakhani, also attended the summit.

“Let me win, and if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

This is the motto of the initiative by Special Olympics Pakistan in collaboration with Mattel™ International and Special Olympics International, which yearns to provide equal opportunities to adults and children with mental disabilities to develop their physical fitness, demonstrate courage and strength of character, experience life better and instill a sense of community and relationships with their own families and peers within the Special Olympics circuit.

The attendees of the Summit were given a brief introduction of the Special Olympics through presentations and videos that demonstrated the involvement of the special athletes in sports worldwide, breaking new grounds for special children as well as Pakistan. The Special Olympics Pakistan delegation to the Special Olympics World Games this year, in Athens, Greece won seventeen gold, twenty-five silver, and fourteen bronze medals. A SOP athlete, Farah Vohra, who was selected as the torch bearer at the opening ceremony of the World Games, was also present at the Summit.

There’s much more to life than winning and losing.

The special athletes and special children bonded over the Hi-tea and appreciated the cause and the people it was aimed for and the people behind it. Similar summits are planned for other major cities of Pakistan to create more awareness about the Special Olympics Pakistan’s cause and the needs of special children. The attendees were encouraged to make personal efforts towards the cause of special children of Pakistan through sports and involvement.

The event came to an end following the musical entertainment provided by Arbal Nadeem, a reputed beat boxer, and the attendees left with a heart for the special athletes and special children.


The Author

We bring to you news and reviews from around Pakistan on fashion, food, music, movies, books, politics, celebrities and much more. Youth Correspondent is an online English weekly magazine of Pakistan.

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3 Comments + Add Comment

  • I performed… \m/

  • I was there :D

  • i was there tooooo and it was awsome……… thankyou ronak lakhani

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