Fashion Redefined – Parkha Khan

Jan 8, 2012 by     6 Comments    Posted under: Fashion Cult

Parkha Khan – a designer, an innovator and a talented individual our country is proud to behold – is one of those people who have proven that dreams can come true. The only key to achieving them is to believe in yourself. In this interview, Parkha Khan shares her views with the team of Youth Correspondent.

Parkha also requests its fans to like her Mehndi Extravaganza Page. Thank You. :)

Who initiated this idea and how did the journey start?
Idea is something that one initiates itself. The idea was mine. Parkha means DewDrops, so once again, my parents mutually named a new born DewDrops. I added Couture to it. And it was the time when I could hardly see any Couture’s on Facebook.

This started off in 2009 when I thought of actually bringing my ideas and creativity in front of the public eye and that too starting off with the international market. I got the brand registered and then worked on it step by step. Every project I have done so far has been done with complete enthusiasm and passion. I launched the idea of doing photo-shoots with fresh faces and posting pictures of my outfits, then making a dummy wear it. Now I see almost all online stores following this trend. This really makes me feel proud.

You’ve done it from designing casual clothes to bridal dresses to event planning and much more. What has been your best ever so far?
Each and every project that I have done so far has been the best. I believe good intentions combined with hard work always pay off. The last event I designed was for a mall. It has upset me a little though. Miss-commitments are a big turn off for me!

I’m really looking forward for DewDrops Couture’s upcoming Mehndi/Mayoun Collection and the first fashion show of its kind – Mehndi Extravaganza.

Being a young female entrepreneur, what challenges have you faced in this field?
Thanks to my brother, Ameer Ahmed, for always being with me, I haven’t faced any worth mentioning challenges so far.

At any point, has your talent/passion become a burden for you?
Not so far, AlhumdulillAllah.

Could you share with us your craziest client story?
Haha. There are a lot of stories, but what I can think of now is that I made this very pretty outfit for a Hindi-Canadian client of mine which she wore to her sister’s wedding. Everyone loved the dress there and her best friend requested for the same outfit. It excited her so much that she wrote a long thankyou note on my Facebook page. After a week or so, she wore the same dress to some other wedding where her best friend (the same one who placed an order) told her that this outfit made her look fat and short!

The next day, Palavi called me up and asked for a RE-FUND. Haha, this is one of the craziest stories!

The biggest fashion mistake you’ve made?
Made a not too tall model wear a gown with a long tail in my Toronto’s Fashion Show. The coordinator was equally responsible.

What do you enjoy the most about your profession?
New ideas.

Do you think the Pakistani market is more responsive to your designs then the international market?
DewDrops Couture caters to the international market, so it is the other way around.

What main objective do you have in mind as per the future of the work you’re in? Where do you see your work in 5 – 10 years from now?
To always bring up something that hasn’t been focused on. I see it growing with time.

In what way do you feel you’ve contributed to the fashion industry of Pakistan?
I feel my role has been very fair till now. I believe in promoting and introducing new faces in the industry.

You’ve studied Architecture during your 4 years at IVS, why the change of interest?
I haven’t studied Architecture to its fullest. I did my Bachelors in International Relations. Colors and patterns have always fascinated me. This is what Mehndi Extravaganza is about.

‘DewDrops Couture’- how did the name pop up?
Hahaha. Parkha means DewDrops in Pashtu.

Where in the world does DewDrops Couture makes most sales?
An outlet in Canada is stocking DewDrops Collections for the last 3 years, UAE, USA and India equally. MashaAllah.

You’re one of the few designers who are trying to sell things online. Any drawbacks you face, especially from your customers in Pakistan?
DewDrops Couture has been one of the first and successful online Fashion Store internationally. DewDrops Couture has its set outlets across the world so it doesn’t face any drawbacks as such. Like I mentioned, it has not been too long since DewDrops Couture has launched itself in the local market. We have other plans for our local clients.

With a lot of talent coming in this field, how do you plan to distinguish your work?
Innovative and creative ideas.

What are your influences while you work out the designs?
I think of color combinations before generating designs.

The first thing that comes in your mind when you hear the words: PFDC, Coke Studio, Karachi and Imran Khan.
Production house. Awesome. Life. Youth.

What do you aim to convey to people who might consider you an inspiration?
I have worked very hard to be where I stand. I have always trusted my instincts and believed in myself. Never think evil for anyone. Help your juniors as much as you can, as what goes around comes around.

These designs are a part of your innovation or imagination?
A mixture of both; my imaginations are innovative. :)

What is Mehndi Extravaganza all about? Why the fondness towards Mehndi and Mayoun only?
Mehndi Extravaganza is going to be the first fashion show of its kind, which will showcase all the colorful outfits for bride-groom and even their families. Mehndi, because I think it has always been more exciting for family and friends then the Wedding or Reception. Also, no fashion show has been done only on this theme as yet.

When will we see the great event happening?
InshaAllah in February 2012.

Your message to the youth and the new upcoming artists?
Copying is very easy, but it doesn’t stay forever. Only do what you are good at. And just believe in yourself.

Your views about Youth Correspondent?
My best wishes are with Youth Correspondents team, and I am sure I’ll be soon seeing you at next level.

Questionnaire designed by Iqra Sajid and Zahra Moiz. A special thanks to Ayesha Mahmood.

The Author

We bring to you news and reviews from around Pakistan on fashion, food, music, movies, books, politics, celebrities and much more. Youth Correspondent is an online English weekly magazine of Pakistan.

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6 Comments + Add Comment

  • Great inspiration for the youths, particularly girls i’d say…keep up the great work, your energy and ideas both will revitalize the motivation among the youngsters. Good luck for future

  • Goher:
    Great inspiration for the youths, particularly girls i’d say…keep up the great work, your energy and ideas both will revitalize the motivation among the youngsters. Good luck for future

  • This is a motivation for not only the emerging Fashion Designers but for every individual who is trying to excel in any of the respective fields they are willing for. I personally know Parkha Khan and I must say I have met very few people who are loyal towards their work and perform efficiently as a BRAVE-HEART.

    She has done a great job so far and I wish the very best for her future in this industry.

  • So many people are designing clothes these days but I’d say everyone can’t understand the importance of elegancy in an ensemble. But Parkha khan does. Plus I love the color palette. loads of good luck to Parkha khan and DewDrops couture.

  • Thankyou very much Youth Correspondent & lovely friends :)

  • Gr8 work Parkha!! keep it up =)
    I hope u’ll bring more new n inspiring ideas in future!!

    Gud Luck..

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