Apparition unto hollows

Oct 20, 2011 by     1 Comment     Posted under: Ballad

Vision of despair, lost in hopelessness

By my own hands, I have welcomed painful gloominess

Oblivion of the fact what the world demands

Pleasing others I consider being the central command

Tears dribble down my eyes when I see myself

A prone to death, babying my life around wealth

Going through a singular dilemma, a mental strain

No wonder aggravating myself every time will drive me insane

Future speaks nothing to me, from beginning to end

Fear to face the consequences, embracing the ‘in’ world trend

Poison of regret smeared around me

The fantasy world dissolving, shattering my dreams

Crying for help yet everyone ignores

Disgracing myself, I search for something hitherto unexplored

The puzzled picture by no means located in proper position

Solitary will diminish one day, absence of concern the only condition

The Author

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1 Comment + Add Comment

  • Ufff uff uff!

    The words in a way describe my feelings too!
    My favorite: “Fear to face the consequences, embracing the ‘in’ world trend”

    Keep it comin’ :D (Y)

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