Mother: A Gift From God
Mother, a beautiful creation of God who is like a shadow under the sun and a light in the darkness, is the best gift one can ever have. For a mother is not just a pillar we lean on during hard times, she is an amalgamation of a lot of different stories: a story of struggle, of hard work and sacrifice, of selflessness and dedication.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that “Paradise lies under the feet of the mother.”
This is because the mother is the most selfless of all. She will always put her children and her family ahead of her own needs, even if it costs her herself. As Maxim Gorky writes in a poem entitled simply Mother, “A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.”
A mother, through her love, feels more than the world sees and is there to heal whatever pains torment her children. no matter their age. Her words are soothing when in pain, her lap is a comfort when restless, and her prayers not only reach the sky directly but also have the power turn the world upside down. Her life is not her own, but rather, is dedicated to those she loves and lives for: she is (usually) the last one to sleep at night and first one to wake up in the morning, one word of comfort from her and all the ills of the world disappear into the background.
And even after being at hand during thick and thin, the mothers of the world are rarely ever appreciated. Like Gorky says, “Mothers are hardly ever pitied”.
Once a man stopped by a flower shop to order flowers to be delivered to his mother who lived 200 miles away. As he was getting out of his car, he noticed a little girl sobbing. He asked her the reason and she told him she wanted to buy a red rose for her mother but she only had 75 cents and the cost of a rose was 2 dollars. He smiled and asked her to come with him, he would buy her a rose. He bought her a rose for her mother and ordered flowers for his mother. When they were leaving the shop, he offered the little girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” The little girl directed him to a graveyard where she placed the rose on a fresh grave. After noticing this, the man returned to the flower shop and cancelled the wire. He picked up the bouquet and drove to his mother to present it to her himself.
This little story teaches us quite a huge lesson. The best present we can give our mother is our time. Materialistic hings like a bouquet, a ring, a new dress, a new car or even a palace will make her temporarily happy but it won’t give her a lifetime of memories to cherish. Our parents might seem ageless to us, but the truth is that every day they grow a little bit older… and every day, we have less time with them. So make it count while you still can.
No matter what we are today or what we have today, there is no substitute of mother’s love. Even though every relation has its own importance in our lives but even if you put the love of all relations on one side and a mother’s love on the other, her love will undoubtedly surpass. Indeed, there is no substitute of a mother.