Djuice revealed their new campaign on October 3, 2013 in a private event at Cinepax, Ocean Mall to the blogger and twitter ridden.
Khamooshi ka Boycott, their previous campaign, was close to home – promoting freedom of speech against injustice. The campaign was one that empowered the youth and was more than just “talking on the phone” but also “speaking one’s mind.”
This time around, djuice plans to launch another unique campaign, embracing the change in the lifestyle of the youth today – Mein Houn Live.
Mein Houn Live symbolizes how “connected” and “updated” we are expected to be; Pakistan has come a long way since Khamoshi Ka Boycott and so has djuice.
Introducing characters such as Johnny and Annie – one’s who often find themselves in socially awkward situations because they are not always “connected” or “up-to-date” – who do not use djuice’s amazing internet services. If only Johnny and Annie knew, using djuice would ensure that they remain up to date with what is new in fashion, the news and also always remain connected with their friends and family, life would be so much easier for them!
The campaign is fun-loving, light and true to reality.
Introducing the best internet packages and connection, djuice recognizes the importance of being connected in today’s day and age.
Although the venue had restricted internet coverage, the Mein Houn Live launch was short, precise, and engaging. If you are connected, you are happening.