Students of LUMS Spread Awareness about Feminism

Mar 10, 2013 by     Comments Off on Students of LUMS Spread Awareness about Feminism    Posted under: Cover Story

“As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.” -Virginia Woolf

Realizing the significance of the need to bring wakefulness about a concern that resides in the silent hearts of many, creeping through their nerve fibers, students from LUMS formed a team of LUMS community members (students and faculty) taking Oxford University Student Union Women’s Campaign as an inspiration. They launched “I Need Feminism” Campaign on the international women’s day, the sole motive being; provoke channel of communication and manifestation regarding the challenges that come across everyone who is dynamically contributing to the cause of the men and women equity.LUMS Feminism Campaign - 01

The goal to achieve is the acceptance of the fact, that the discrimination against women is one of many symptoms of the social order to be in poor health. We live in a world where there is rampant conflict and injustice. Competition between individuals and groups with one another originates in pursuit of narrow self-interests. Insecurity and violence are common place. The quandary is that the social institutions, structures, and processes which are dominant, have not been framed up in ways that in point of fact accord the common good and it’s obvious for people to face systemic constraints as well as out-and-out political challenges when they will endeavor to work within this system for the advancement of common good. What is needed is a thoughtful inquiring of the postulation which support from beneath the social systems and world views that substantiate these conditions. If not done, humanity’s best efforts will continue to be eluded by the progress of civilization in spiritual and material aspects.

We need the vast majority to recognize how vital can be the establishment of equality of men and women for human step up. We require acknowledgment of the fact that the identity, individual or conjoint the intellect of who we are and how we concord into the world – is a crucial aspect of our adoption of the behaviour patterns as human beings. It will remain associated directly to the sentience of how we deal in relationships with the people around.

LUMS Feminism Campaign - 02

While seldom anyone takes care to raise voice on the issue, there are plenty cases to be witnessed which record in history more examples of gender discrimination on the basis of social, political and economic grounds. And this is where we gear up to call for vibrant vocal chords of the society to state what exactly better than efforts to end violence against women can capture the importance of men helping realize the goals of feminism?

We hope that the campaign goes viral and others replicate this idea throughout Pakistan. The organizers are as follows;

  • Areesha Banglani
  • Durr-e-Sameen Mirza
  • Dr. Nida Kirmani
  • Hadiqa Khan
  • Mehlab Jameel
  • Muhammad Shahzaib Bajwa

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