For their benefit?

Feb 28, 2013 by     Comments Off on For their benefit?    Posted under: Opinions

Can’t we ‘for one time’ be the people who easily forget the bad things and hardly the good things in life? We are selfish, self-centered and greatly reckless! We feel jealous as if by even ruining other person’s life we’d get all he had, all the talent on the basis of which he stood victorious, all the skills his hands possessed. Why do we yearn to take revenge from people? And to no surprise, at times people take revenge from those who do not even know what wrong have they done? They only suffer because they were once in the limelight and that was not tolerable for some poor souls, they had their hearts burning with extreme negativity to somehow and anyhow pulverize the turret of triumph just built.

“Negativity is the word people!”

Who plants this negativity?

WE do!


Don’t we tell our children, ‘See he again got the first position’, ‘he defeated you again’, ‘as always you’re still a loser’, ‘you must beat him’, ‘you must take the trophy he is holding today’, ‘if you don’t do this, you’ll fail in your life, you’ll never succeed’?

Is this the way to motivate?

Making a Comparison

Scolding our children is something we would like to do for the benefit of our children, but when we start throwing insults at them, we only put on show how we’re fighting with them for not being up to our expectations. We can never arouse in our children an urge to be what we want them to be by telling them how stupid they are, by making a comparison between them and their fellows especially their best friends. Let’s ask ourselves, did they ever draw a graph between ours and their friend’s parents’ parenting attitude? No! They probably never thought of it. The best they can do is comparing how many gadgets their friend has got and how many have they been gifted by us. Why? Because unless they be the ‘parents’ they can’t take their conscience to the point of ‘parenting’. Then why is it difficult for the parents to understand that where should and shouldn’t they be making a comparison?

Often we fail to understand that we are making a wrong comparison. For instance, “Of course he knows more about it because you are too busy playing football”. Now why are we comparing his friend’s inclination towards reading books to his interest in football? Perhaps in future the book reader might not be having the six by six eye sight and ours would be a physically fit boy. I am not discouraging the habit of reading books, but the pessimism just displayed. Do we really expect to change his mind and persuade him to play the game of our choice practicing the skills that we possessed? If yes then we must keep ourselves mentally prepared for the variable results.

Take a Break!

Are you done? Have you done what I told you? Do I need to tell you again? Are you going to do it or not?

Take a Break!

Why do we want to work on the principles of ‘now or never’?

 It’s not warfare. Believing in the point that the repeated interrogations would do any good is our own mistake and we definitely deserve to pay for it. Shouldn’t we have the perceptive eye, amply keen in discernment to detect when the right time to issue an order or give an advice is? Does this irritate us when our children act stubborn? Certainly it does. So should it be the answer of ‘why do we act stubborn?’ Nice way to demonstrate how we erased the line between being a ‘child’ and a ‘parent’, isn’t it?

Know that you are Blessed!

To be a parent is nothing less than being one of the very blessed people in the world. Then why should we bring up our children with the thought of making them a successful man? Why shouldn’t we bring up our children with the thought of infusing in them the spirits of collecting the immaterial yet valuable things in life? Why shouldn’t we want our children to be the best in modesty? Why don’t we try to tell our children that ‘respect’ and ‘morality’ are the possessions which, if lost cannot be regained without the utmost effort. Perhaps because we already tear down their self-esteem by mortifying it in their own eyes again and again. Even if we see our children oblivious of what is harmful to them, we are not supposed to hurt their pride. Would you slap your baby for touching the hot pan? Did the baby know it’s hot?

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