Back from the brink, Masla Auntie 2.0!

Jun 26, 2012 by     Comments Off on Back from the brink, Masla Auntie 2.0!    Posted under: Masla Auntie

Dear readers,

Sorry for being MIA while you were in the midst of all the action and needed someone to hear you out. Fret not! Masla Auntie is back. Auntie needed some time to clear up her own head before she could help the world make better decisions. So, Auntie 2.0! Let us resolve! :)

Dear Auntie,

I think my problem is quite common and most of us often wonder about this. So, my issue is that I trust people too quickly. I can’t help it. I can’t judge whom to trust and who not to. I quickly fall for their lies and tricks. I know there might not be a simple solution to this but maybe a way not to be too expressive perhaps? HELP! Before the whole world knows my secrets!

Confused Girl.

Dear ‘Confused Girl’,

Yes, you are right. Most of us do fall prey to such fake people. They will manipulate you, learn everything about you and then pass it on as gossip. It’s like they feed on others’ secrets. Therefore, the only way out through this is to trust only the people you’ve known long enough. Maybe a friend you had since childhood? You do meet new people every so often but there is no need to tell them your stories. Trust me, you’ll have a healthier conversation with someone who knows nothing about your past and you know nothing about theirs’. It’ll be an honest and non-judgmental conversation. So next time you meet someone new, talk about movies or music rather than your problems. Try it!

Love, Auntie.

Further Reading

Last week, Masla Aunty doled out tips and ways to get through a presentation. The matters of the heart, troubles and woes and all that in between are truly understood by  Masla Auntie

The Author

Masla Auntie is known for her simplistic approach to complicated problems of life. For Masla Auntie understands the requirements of the present youth, and wish to guide them through the dilemmas they may be hesitant to share otherwise.

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