How it feels like studying business in an engineering university?
Choosing the appropriate profession is a very significant decision in every student’s life. But sometimes choosing the right institution is also very crucial. No doubt at the end of the day, the degree stands out as most important but the institution also matters a lot.
Now the question is, ‘why is the choice of institution important’? I would like to elaborate on it with a somewhat unique scenario. Suppose a pitiful student ends up taking Business Studies from a very unlikely place; an engineering university. The first thing, that poor creature suffers from is a massive inferiority complex. In our country, engineering and medical are considered as the most prestigious professions whereas all others are simply cast aside. Standing differently in a technology dominated and conservative environment is a mighty difficult job. It requires much patience and confidence which most students lack.
Also these students are looked upon as something outcast. This can be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, in our culture people are not very receptive towards new things. They take more time to accept it than those actually a part of that change. Strange, it really is! Secondly our people have an unwary habit of meddling in other people’s affairs. They consider it as their uttermost responsibility to pass judgment on things which are none of their business.
Apart from being oppressed by tyrants all around, students themselves tend to think low of themselves. Instead if living the present and thanking Allah on what He has blessed us with, they keep on mourning about what had led them there. I advise them all to be optimistic and they will find life much more convenient.
Engineering is far more demanding study course than business studies; at least in terms of education and studies. They are burdened by labs and workshops along with regular classes. Business students comparatively seize more fun. They have enough time to hangout with friends and enjoy the charms of the university life before the sun of this exquisite life sets. Also on the optimistic side, they should figure that it is them who will head their technological mates when they will enter the executive world.
I agree with sufferings of these students but I would also say that we get life only once. So it is better to live in the present; live it in the best possible way and you will find a wonderful and bright future waiting for you.