Masla Number 3 – Lack of Concentration

Jan 5, 2012 by     Comments Off on Masla Number 3 – Lack of Concentration    Posted under: Masla Auntie


Greetings Aunty,

I’m currently doing my bachelors in a reputable university. The problem I have is that I’m unable to meet my deadlines and concentrate on things because I feel that time is running through my hands. Because of this, I fail to focus on one task and move on to other without completing the first one, call it a lack of concentration. As a result, I mostly tend to compromise on the quality of work that I do. My family and friends also complain that I do not give sufficient time to them as I’m usually consumed with heap loads of work.

Aunty, please help me get out of this problem as this problem is now becoming a torture for me.

– Exhausted

Dear Exhausted,

Be assured, that you are not alone out there :)

Procrastination is a bug that infects majority of the population globally, and also incites proud procrastinators to make facebook fan pages! However, this is not something to be proud of because most often than not it leads to stress, pimple breakouts, anxiety, depression and eventually a nervous breakdown.

But, there is a solution, which is not at all difficult to adopt. Aunty has adopted it, and now you can too!

Prioritize. It is the key. Not all subjects are equally difficult, and not all teachers are equally strict. Mark the quizzes, assignments, reports, exams, cousins’ wedding, etc deadlines on a large calendar and prop it in front of you, so that you are able to look at it daily.

Then, start setting out a specific amount of time each day for a course report, and research on it and save it, give more days to the reports/task which are more difficult. You could also do this for quizzes, or assignments.

The time specified each day does not mean 5-6 hours of consecutive work, it can be 3 hours at different times of the day, but make sure you sit a complete hour doing the work before you get up. The rest of the day you can divide for studying, and for family. Make sure to stick to the plan, and think about the peace of mind, and sense of achievement that you will get at the end of the day. Trust me, that little tid-bits of achievements can do alot to boost a person’s confidence!

And remember, nothing is impossible. If Aunty can do it, then so can you ;)

Further Reading

 Last week, Masla Aunty advised a hurt friend to choose between marks or lost integrity. The matters of the heart, troubles and woes and all that in between are truly understood by  Masla Auntie

The Author

Masla Auntie is known for her simplistic approach to complicated problems of life. For Masla Auntie understands the requirements of the present youth, and wish to guide them through the dilemmas they may be hesitant to share otherwise.

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