A Day at PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week

Oct 27, 2011 by     Comments Off on A Day at PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week    Posted under: Fashion Cult

A spectacular and successful event, Pakistan Fashion Design Council (PFDC) Sunsilk Fashion Week, was recently held at Expo Center, Karachi. I only attended Day 3 but it was indeed worth experiencing. Gorgeous and stunning models walked the ramp, showcasing stylish, groovy designs and luxury fashion by Adnan Pardesy, Batur, Yahsir Waheed, Khaadi Khaas and Ammar Belal.

A quick roundup of highlights of Day 3:

  • Adnan Pardesy
    The day opened with Adnan Pardesy design collection. The collection included plain coloured dresses. The elegant and decent designs were unarguably appealing.
  • Batur
    For me, the most disappointing designs were by Batur. He used fabrics such as cotton, silk, chiffon, lace and velvet. The unattractive designs failed to inspire the audience.
  • Yahsir Waheed
    Yahsir Waheed showcased a menswear collection. The designs reflected the era of Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Khaadi Khaas
    Considered as a fashion icon, Khaadi Khaas followed Karachi’s theme with rickshaw sounds and mini-bus horns being played in the background. Crows on wire, truck art and Jang Akhbar, made Karachi look like what it is, and Khaadi certainly made Karachi “Khaas”.
  • Ammar Belal
    The day closed with Ammar Belal’s designs. Ammar was undoubtedly the best. He showcased a Disco Saturday Night Fever theme with all the models wearing funky prints with colours and sunglasses on distinguishing Ammar Belal from other designers. Funky old disco theme songs played in the background making the entire experience colourful and memorable for the audience.

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