Masla no. 1 – Introvert

Aug 29, 2011 by     Comments Off on Masla no. 1 – Introvert    Posted under: Masla Auntie

Dear Auntie,

I’m shy. I cannot talk or express my views in front of a group openly. It’s like I totally blank out sometimes.

– Introvert

Don’t worry, my bacha. Auntie had her days of blanking out in presentations too. But there are somethings that I did which I’d like you to follow too:

  • When you are all alone, choose a topic and write down every thought of yours on a paper.
  • Stand in front of a mirror.
  • Look yourself eye-eye and read aloud.
  • Do it for every random topic on earth.
  • Start imagining you are in a group.
  • You are special and so are your thoughts – express them.
  • Always remember: Be honest and never keep a difference between your thoughts and actions.

And next time you go out, show that expressive self of yours to others!

The Author

Masla Auntie is known for her simplistic approach to complicated problems of life. For Masla Auntie understands the requirements of the present youth, and wish to guide them through the dilemmas they may be hesitant to share otherwise.

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