Hello, Pyare Bachon!

Aug 29, 2011 by     Comments Off on Hello, Pyare Bachon!    Posted under: Masla Auntie

Do you have a problem that is bothering you? Is there something on your mind that is not letting you sleep peacefully? Scratching your head? Bewildered? Stressed out? Want a permanent solution to your problem?

Worry no more, my bachas. Empathic, realistic and amusing. Masla Auntie is right here to bestow her practical wisdom upon you; abetting you to un-tie the knot and plunging you into a bright world of no stress and only happiness.

In the midst of running after people, we need to cherish each moment; weaving our ways through the fabric of an optimistic approach. Whether it is an unfriendly relationship with your parents or a recent breakup with your partner, scoring a bad grade or losing confidence in yourself; Masla Auntie believes in a balanced equation of your life.

Share your problems with Masla Auntie on masla@youthcorrespondent.com and pull out the blazing troubles from your life with Auntie’s prompt replies and advice.

P.S. Auntie promises to keep your identity a secret.

The Author

Masla Auntie is known for her simplistic approach to complicated problems of life. For Masla Auntie understands the requirements of the present youth, and wish to guide them through the dilemmas they may be hesitant to share otherwise.

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